fuh.. april is bulan berjalan lah.. since my pregg pun dh 5mnth..so berani lah nk jalan2 jauh cket.. huhu gode hubby baikk punyeer.. nk itottt.. he managed for a job in Lumut..so i accompany him since i am alone in kL for a few days.. he missed me la tuh.. hikhikhik.. wht ever i nk itott gak coz i am eagerly to..
actually xlama pun g Lumut, 1 hari 1 mlm jek..
from kL dlm kul 2:30pm ~ singgah mkn jap ~ straight away gerak..
jem la jugak jln nk kuar dr kL..ramai org blik kmpung agknye..
dlm kul 6:30pm arrive ~ then checkin hotel.. my hubby settel kn all his job on the night we arrive..
n the next day we go back to kL..but kitorang smpat lah singgah Pekan Lumut jap.. bought some seafood products.. beselah kat Lumut de ikan satay,udang, sotong gule tu..my fav!!..yummm.. then g posing2 kejap kat jeti..sambil hirup udara laut.. tgok org ramai naik feri nk ke pangkor..
memandangkan kitorang g kejap je kalini... xbnyk y leh cite..but next time k!!
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